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Blue life
2025Blue life

Alter Ego
2024Our Alter ego is always following us

2024Light of the day has sometimes many colours

Endless dance
2024Endless dance with manipulation and incompetence

2024Fertility is a problem in most countries

2024Life is a mystery

Nature loses its grip
2024Nature is lost in this civilization

2024Life is a party

2024Sometimes you will be surprised

2024Nature will triumph

Turkish delight
2024Lovely tast

2024We always try to understand each other

Wrestling with peace
2024When you want peace you have to prepare yourself for wars.

Being aware
2023Being aware

Gazing into nothingness
2023Gazing into nothingness

Happy few
2023Sadly the animals are the happy few who do not make war

I can see it in your eyes
2023I can see it in your eyes

Something is going on
2023Something is going on

What's happening
2023What's happening

Explosion of the Universe 1
2022Somewere in the future the Universe will explode again

Explosion of the Universe 2
2022Somewere in the future the Universe will explode again

Looking to the past, looking to the future
2022The past should be easy to see, but the future ....

Imagine 1

Imagine 3
2021Are we confused about what is happening to our world ?

Imaging 2
2021Imaging 2, what's happening

It is a surprising world
2021Surprising, it was never different ..

Mysterious Life
2021Life is a mysterious time, shall we ever find her secrets

Paradise Lost
2021We live in a paradise, but we don't see it anymore...

Stoneman with the Red hat
2021Human a stone man? Or a human with a hart?

Trust Me
2021Trust me, the male is in position at the back of the female and tells her not to be afraid so he tells her : Trust Me

Art Robot
2020The Art Robot (Art bots) Will the artist in the near future be replaced by an artificial driven Robot? Or have we as artist still the possibilities to work in corporation with those Art bots? The future will always be a mystery and we will never know for sure that Art bots will be used to make art on demand.

Close Fire
2020Like the fires who are raging the land

Imagine 1
2020What is happening in the world to day ..

Imagine 2
2020Abstractive, while the animals are disappearing

Blind Date
2019She made a blind date but she is secretly watching

Land of Dreams
2019Thinking of my vacations

Somewhere in the Ghetto of Warschau
2019Somewere in the Ghetto of Warschau

Structured Woman
2019While teh US try to cut of the freedom of abortion, she will fight her way up. There comes a time when this civilazation will be led by Women.

Being a Woman
2018Being a Woman: she is the cornerstone of our society. Without them the world was empty

Fallen Angel
2018Fallen Angel Gabriel

2018If you look at the painting you see at the far right and the far left black areas. Why? The left area must say something about the unknown sub-Saharan Africa, which is in Europe, for the most people from the West, an unknown area. The far right black area is Europe beyond Spain, which for the most people in the Maghrib also an unknown area. I shall not speak about the difference in culture and the difference in the social context: on one side of the people who live in the sub-Saharan Africa and of the people of the other side who live in the West beyond Spain. I think the Water Margins are just a virtual border between those two worlds, because I believe that people all over the world are the same with the same dreams and same wishes for happiness and fantasies. Everybody wants to live in peace and in peaceful coexistence which each other.

Out of my mind
2018Pressure and stress push us out of our minds

Red Impact
2018Red Impact, why red and why impact. Red is the color who comes close. And very red comes very close...

2017Are we alert of things which are happening on this world

Bird in turbulence
2017Humming bird in turbulence

Deformed Memories
2017Memories are never clear they are always blurred by time

Endless tears
2017Endless tears

Face Off 1
2017Face Off dream about the space and the lost of the Humankind

Light, life and landscape
2017When there is light there is life and all can exist in a landscape

Deadly Encounter
2016Deadly encounter in the Universe of life

Know our Self
2016Know our Self

Looking for dreams
2016We are looking dreams, but we can't find it. We are looking for magic, but there is no magic anymore...

Looking for Magic
2016Magic has disappeared from this civilization, Man is still looking for it, will he ever find it again?

Meeting point
2016I like to be on a meeting point and awaiting things to happen

Never ending Road
2016The road of life will never end .. at least for this planet

Place to Be
2016Place to Be, the palce were I like most to live

Searching for Love
2016We all try to find our eternal love

The end of Democracy
2016The end of Democracy is near

Woman staring into oblivion
2016Staring into the oblivion

Child picture
2015Child drawing

Growing space inside the limits
2015In the space of time we will lost forever

Incredible journey 1
2015We will travel to far away planets and will never return

Invisible Future
2015Babylon has gone only a few are to remind us of that magic city, but the future is invisible

Life is a Dream 1
2015Life is a dream we will wake up too early ...

Lost in space
2015Lost in space and nowere to found again

Metamorphosis of Time
2015Time is changing, people are staying the same. Our surrounding is changing. But will Time ever change?

Night Fly
2015She goes through the night and flies from bar to bar and never gets enough of people who are at the same place at the same time..

Red Moon 1
2015Red Moon as long as the wolrd exists

Red Moon 2
2015Red Moon 2 as long as the world exists

Some where in the Universe there is life 1
2015Some where in the Universe there is life

Structured Chaos 2
2015We try to structure chaos but chaos is already structured. We make the chaos..

Structured Chaos 3
2015We try to structure chaos but chaos is already structured. We make the chaos..

Structured Chaos 3
2015We try to structure chaos, but there is no chaos only that what is contructed by mankind is ...

Structured Chaos 4
2015We try to structure chaos but chaos is already structured. We make the chaos..

Structured Chaos 5
2015We try to structure chaos but chaos is already structured. We make the chaos..

Structured Chaos 6
2015We try to structure chaos but chaos is already structured. We make the chaos..

Struggle for Love
2015She struggled fpr love and never got it...

Surviving the Future
2015When the future is there what is left of the humankind?

The Beach
2015The Beach were beautifull people and woman are looking to eachother enyoing the sea, sun and sand,

The lost of the Overall Winner
2015The overall winner is loosing because he/she is using people only for his own sake

Butterfly Woman
2014She flies were the flowers are

Dark Illusion
2014Dark Illusion is the imaging of this second interbellum were we live in

Disappearing Civilization
2014Civilization is now disappearing

Disappearing civilization 2
2014While this civilization is disappearing we do nothing to stop it ...haha

Disappearing Civilization 3
2014Civilization is disappearing how long it will take from now .....

Evolution incomplete
2014After a long time of evolution we are sadly incomplete

Fortune in the Future
2014Every body want some fortune in the future

Reflections of the Sun
2014Reflections of the Sun is always given the right image

Slivered Woman
2014Woman some part of the world are being slivered by society and religion

Split thinking
2014With two lobs in our head we are able to split thinking

Syria is crying
2014Syria is in a terrible phase now, inhumane and in grieve

Time travellers 1
2014Time travellers may use the crack in the time-space wall and decent in the other dimension, were and how ... we don't know

Time travellers 2
2014Time travellers found the crack in space-time and tried to travel through time. They will disform and maybe never reach the future or the past .....

Time Travellers 3
2014Time travellers 3 is to be sucked into a black hole and they do not know they will survive ..

Waiting for you
2014Deranged people are lost in our sociaty and me be never will return to humanity

Whispering Janus
2014Janus the god of the beginning and the end. He is whispering about us so ....

Yellow dating
2014Yellow dating to shy to date

Dark Forest
2013In the dark forest evrything will spookey even the moon is not real

Eye on the World
2013With our comminication power we never loose an eye on this world

Human Inside
2013Somewhere there is a human inside, but we don't know what that is

We meet ourself
2013We allways meet ourself when thing goes wrong

Alien Face
2012Alien face

2012Dancing, concentrated

Birth of the Moon
2012moon, new,

Consequence of Evolution

Creature 1
2012Strange things 1

Creature 2
2012Strange things 2

Creature 3
2012Strange things 3

2012People, crowd

Cruel Joke
2012Head, eyes

Dark Face
2012Dark Face

Female attraction
2012woman, fading,

Finished or Not
2012Finished not

Frantic Searching
2012Frantic Searching

Let me Rest
2012Let me Rest

Looking for Happiness
2012Search, something you can't find

Loosing my Mind
2012face, blue

Lurking Eye
2012Lurking Eye

Misplaced Man
2012Misplaced Man

Parting Lovers
2012Parting lovers

Repeating Evil
2012It is so

Sadly unfocused
2012Sadly unfocused

Strange animal
2012Strange animal

Sunny Smile
2012Smile, sunny

Venetian Smile
2012Smile, do not smile, friendly, lurking

Where Should I Go
2012Where should I Go

Adam en Eva en de Slang
2011Adam en Eva en de Slang. De mens leeft nog steeds in het Paradijs, maar wij zijn er blind voor geworden. De symboliek aangedragen door de Ouden was en is nog steeds haarscherp!

2011Patches of colors

Burning Desire
2011Mankind has always the desire for something, it is somtimes so strong they will sacrifice even their own happiness

Chinese Dreaming About
2011Chinese dreaming about his life and his way of living

Emperor's sunken thoughts
2011The emperor's sunken thoughts are may be not interesting but, he thinks about power, and wealth

2011Enclosures are people who incapsulated in their own life

Fatal Attraction
2011Man is attracted by power, wealth he don't see the true meaning of life

Fragmented Life
2011Life of man consist of fragments, our whole is made out of decisions, until we are dead

Het Boosaardige Visje
2011Het boosaardige visje een visje dat boos is op de mens die zijn leefomgeving steeds verder aantasten

Human Interweaved
2011Humans are complex beings, they strugle with themselves. Especially with the complexity of their own mind

Its a Strange World
2011Human makes this world strange and dangerous

Light is Life
2011Light is Life, the sun brings us life and warmth on this earth. One our of the sun bathes the earth in more energy in an hour than civilization uses in year!

2011Blauw met gezichten en voorstellingen


Silent Witness
2011Even if there is blood running over them, the witness will be silent

The Emerging Woman
2011A face of a woman coming up from the unknown

Two Horses
2011Two horse close together

Alleen jij en ik
2010Wij samen alleen en verliefd wij zweven door het universum.

2010De mens moet de mens tegen zichzelf in bescherming nemen

Bevroren in Goud 1
2010Maskers van de mensen. Misschien het Koning Midas syndroom?

Bevroren in Goud 2
2010Maskers van Mensen. Het Koning Midas syndroom?

Bevroren in Goud 3
2010Maskers van mensen. Het Koning Midas syndroom?

De cyclische mens
2010De mens vervalt in steeds dezelfde foute, maar moet ook recyclen

De mens die balanceerd op een duimnagel
2010Hoofd, balanceerd, duimnagel, starend naar de hemel

De Paranoide Mens
2010De mens is paranoide aan het worden de wereld past niet meer in zijn context. Neigt naar schizofrenie

De Spreker
2010De spreker, die eigelijk niets zegt

Gedwongen Zwijgen
2010De mens wordt steeds meer gedwongen te zwijgen.

Geesten van de Mens
2010Geesten van de Mens zwerven door het heelal

Koning en de Nar
2010De koning is redeloos de Nar is radeloos en het volk is reddeloos

Lelijke gezichten
2010Op zich is de mens eigelijk een lelijk wezen

Verbazing 2010
2010Man surprised at the are happening in his imagination

Verborgen kwaad
2010Het kwaad zit in elk Mens.

Vervormd Protest
2010Vervormd protest, protest kan niet meer echt het moet worden verborgen en verdrongen

2010De verwarring van de Mens is alom.

2010De mens kijk verwonderd naar de wereld die hij zelf gevormd heeft ...

Draad van verlangen
2009De draad van verlangen wordt door ons gehele leven geregen

Stenen maagd
2009De hardheid van de mens

2009Vrouwenfiguur verdraaid horizon met rode zon

People in The Rain
2002Lonelyness in the Rain 1

People in The Rain 2
2002People in The Rain 2

Trieste vrouw
1969triest gezicht van een vrouw

Anne Frank en Peter
1968Anne Frank en Peter vlak voordat zij door de Duitsers werden afgevoerd