Paintings 2011
The life of people on this earth has not yet been solved. It contains a lot of secrets with maybe will be solved in the next thousand years?
uit 2011 tot 2011
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Burning Desire
2011Mankind has always the desire for something, it is somtimes so strong they will sacrifice even their own happiness

Chinese Dreaming About
2011Chinese dreaming about his life and his way of living

Emperor's sunken thoughts
2011The emperor's sunken thoughts are may be not interesting but, he thinks about power, and wealth

Fatal Attraction
2011Man is attracted by power, wealth he don't see the true meaning of life

Fragmented Life
2011Life of man consist of fragments, our whole is made out of decisions, until we are dead

Human Interweaved
2011Humans are complex beings, they strugle with themselves. Especially with the complexity of their own mind

Its a Strange World
2011Human makes this world strange and dangerous

Light is Life
2011Light is Life, the sun brings us life and warmth on this earth. One our of the sun bathes the earth in more energy in an hour than civilization uses in year!

2011We have not a real idea how vast the univers is. We have been dwarfed by the thought of it

Resting Lovers
2011After two lovers has made love, they are resting and spiritual becoming one

Silent Witness
2011Even if there is blood running over them, the witness will be silent

2011Two sisters with opposing characters

The Emerging Woman
2011A face of a woman coming up from the unknown